How to lose pregnancy weight by eating your favorite food
Imagine being told that you can lose your pregnancy weight by eating all your favorite foods. Well this is possible and we talked to the experts to find out exactly how. But before trying the next best diet or going to the gym, it is important to give yourself time to recover.
A woman's body needs nine months to complete the pregnancy and so you should give yourself another nine months to become "non-pregnant".
The idea of "getting back into shape" puts a lot of pressure on the new mom and her body, Clark said. "The body will do what the body does. I invite all new mothers to believe that proper food, proper rest and proper exercise will lead to proper weight."
Roxana Ehsani, a registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and national media spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told Newsweek that how long it takes to lose all your pregnancy weight depends on the individual.
For some it may take one to two years to lose weight after birth, while for others it may take a few months. Some mothers may find that it is different for each of their children.
"It's important not to rush, because birth, hard work, and caring for a newborn baby are very taxing the body," Ehsani said.
Kirsten Noriega, an RDN who offers weight loss coaching and advice for children, said: Love, "in a post on Instagram@babyweight.nutritionist. .
With that in mind, here are some tips to help you lose weight in pregnancy without losing your favorite dishes.
A busy mother grabs her baby and tries to eat. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. iStock / Getty Images Plus Balance your diet with nutritious foods.
Ehsani said: "You can still eat your favorite food and lose weight at the same time." Just fit them into your healthy eating plan for the week.
For example, if you have fries and hamburgers for dinner, you may want to add some vegetables to another meal, such as "a great salad full of lots of vegetables," Ehsani said. Or if pancakes are your favorite, enjoy them in a large bowl of mixed fruit and healthy fats from some chopped nuts.
"Consult an RDN to help you find an individualized meal plan that suits your own needs, food preferences and tastes," Ehsani said.
Noriega suggests asking yourself: "What can I include in my daily diet?" Include some nutritious foods in your regular diet instead of taking things to lose weight (fat, bread, carbohydrates). It works, "he suggested in a post on Instagram.
Take care of the parts
Ehsani said a balanced diet is key when it comes to weight loss during pregnancy.
You can use the "plate method" as a guide to what each meal should look like in terms of portions. He said to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, one-fourth with high quality protein (such as eggs or salmon) and the other with grains (such as quinoa or brown rice).
For snacks, high-fiber carbohydrates, such as a piece of fruit or vegetable that is a source of protein. For example, Greek yogurt and blueberries or hummus and baby carrots may be the best snacks.
Ehsani advises, "Don't forget to stay well hydrated with plenty of water, especially if you are breastfeeding."
Grilled chicken breast and avocado pieces on a bed of fresh vegetables. iStock / Getty Images Plus Don't miss your food cravings.
Avoiding your favorite foods altogether will increase your appetite and will probably lead to more food once you get your hands on it.
Noriega said in an Instagram post, "Mama, the more you deprive yourself of the food of your choice, the greater the desire, the greater the accident."
"Foods that satisfy you are more important for overall weight management, nutritional status and health," RDN explained in an Instagram post.
Instagram user @cake_not_salad, who described herself as "a first-time mother losing weight without any restrictions", said: "You don't have to feel guilty about eating ... you a Create a balanced lifestyle that will allow you to eat. Food that you like but stay on track and reach your goals. "
A smiling baby clings to its mother's chest as it cooks. Use some healthy, low-calorie ingredients in your favorite dishes. Use some low calorie ingredients like iStock / Getty Images Plus.
You don't have to be a certified nutritionist or Michelin star chef to make healthy food around your favorite food.
User @cake_not_salad suggests several recipes that add some healthy, low-calorie ingredients to her favorite foods, such as her "double decker spicy cheeseburger" made with 5% fat beef patties.
"It was easy to make but great. It felt like you ordered a big fat takeout from a local burger joint," he said on Instagram.
For a sweeter solution, try its "M&M Protein Cookies", which are made from chocolate protein, dark chocolate brown sugar, cocoa powder and erythritol (a low calorie sweetener).
A woman breastfeeds her baby. Maintaining a healthy diet is especially important for breastfeeding mothers. iStock / Getty Images Plus How difficult is it to lose weight during pregnancy?
Ehsani said the stress on the body after birth, as well as lack of sleep (taking care of your baby 24/7) and lack of time can make it difficult for many mothers to lose weight during pregnancy. Is. Are taking care of themselves.
In addition, mothers consume a lot more energy each day than breastfeeding (about 500 calories a day - which is equivalent to burning one meal a day), she said.
What's more important for pregnancy weight loss: diet or exercise?
"When it comes to weight loss during pregnancy, a combination of both a healthy diet and exercise is essential," Ehsani said.
For many new mothers, daily exercise is not possible because of the attachment to their newborns. But the RDN suggested that trying to stay active when they could "most days of the week" would help them lose weight during pregnancy.
Ehsani noted that maintaining a healthy diet is especially important if you are breastfeeding, because whatever nutrients the mother is eating will be passed on to the baby.
A tired mother sleeps on a bed next to a newborn baby. Lack of sleep is one of the reasons why it can be difficult for new mothers to lose weight during pregnancy. iStock / Getty Images Plus
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